Trolling all games master in none [Nreality]

Thumbnail of the map 'Trolling all games master in none [Nreality]'

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Author drikam
Tags action author:drikam lol nreality puzzle trolling unrated
Created 2012-05-06
Last Modified 2012-05-06
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I just couldn't resist..

Nreality, please.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Sleepy' Thumbnail of the map 'Mutated Mines' Thumbnail of the map 'No x3 [Nreality]' Thumbnail of the map 'Chaingum' Thumbnail of the map 'Timewalker [ Nreality]' Thumbnail of the map 'Meow [Nreality]'
Sleepy Mutated Mines No x3 [Nreality] Chaingum Timewalker [ Nreality] Meow [Nreality]


Pages: (0)


Demo Data


Ohh baby those triggers...


But I can deal with it.

Lsudny sounds strange. : D
Demo Data



Can't deal with AMLT.
Demo Data


Isudny, try to edit the map you will know the reason. Laughting at you all.


I get it.
Demo Data
Demo Data

Demo Data

Well this is weird.

Demo Data

And again


Very cool concept.

But what the heck happened in my demo?
Demo Data


Watch if you need. xD
Demo Data