
This map has been removed from listings by the author.

Thumbnail of the map 'Escapade'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author paradox-dragon
Tags author:paradox-dragon challenge gold jumper ninja skill unrated
Created 2011-07-17
Last Modified 2013-01-19
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
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Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Conduit' Thumbnail of the map 'Twofold Dual' Thumbnail of the map 'Meta' Thumbnail of the map 'Bounce Back' Thumbnail of the map 'Ninja Vs. Samurai' Thumbnail of the map 'Reset Focus'
Conduit Twofold Dual Meta Bounce Back Ninja Vs. Samurai Reset Focus


Pages: (0)

Ah yes,

I like this new avatar. By the way, your going to RCE all of zoasBE's maps?

No offense taken but thx for saying ur personal feelings...!
and he has 204 (more than you) it will take me some time to complete them all as i dont have internet till next week but i can use it at a friends for about 2 hours every 2nd day os so.

I mean, if you do play/comment/rate all my maps, I will make a gift GREAT/AMAZING for you

why not make sense?


that doesnt make sense
If you make this a very BIG/GREAT/AMAZING surprise is prepared to you... I LOVE YOU... When you check the maps you can see and take ideas... THANKS

someone really should make a "how to use NUMA" guide for beginners. and include atob's theory of mapping.


-1 maps with unread comments. - on 1221's profile
but I occasionally comment.



To favorite a map

Click the ninja next to the title.

For links with alt text, do [url=SITE_HERE]ALT_TEXT_HERE
how do you make a hyperlink say different words, i have seen hyperlinks that say "here" but obviously the link is not called "here"
make a hyperlink, and AMLT is active but permantly stopped mapping, he said so in his last map.


-0. Yes
0. They grow up. Get a job, a life, a girl...

1. Collab stands for collaboration. It's only where two people get together and work on a map. How you do it is up to you. (Example: If you want to use someones tileset, that's fine. But normally both people (Or sometimes more) work on everything together)

2. Firetamer2.. I haven't seen him in a while. He's on the fourms. Just not mapping I suppose.
1211 is still around. He's a cool guy, just not mapping currently. You do not have to map to be active here.

3. As in, BBC code? Okay. First off, change the '{}' to brackets. The reason being that I can't do brackets is because it will actually code. So, here it goes.
{url=}This is what the people will have to click; say whatever you want.{/url}

3. Yes. Currently they are under new administration.

4. Feedback? Feedback for what? I do know the mods do a good job at keeping up with the fourms and reading them. So don't worry.

5. Not sure, I don't think there is one.

6. The type will be the first tag you put on.

Hope this helps.

@ AMLT [] i didnt no they had a blog


underclock is configured in config on n, there is a bar at the top of config that goes from -500 to 20, it sets the frame rate

3. I read their blog, if that's what you mean?
4. BB code. link
5. Possibly underclock mode. Go to config.
[= x]
thats why action comes first in alot of maps

Actuall,y for six

It might be the last one alphabetically.

For 4, 5, and 6.

4: Click the link that says "Supports BBCode" under where you type in a comment.

5: There isn't one, only for 00-99

6: It's alphabetical. The first one alphabetically is used.
it says feedback (vertically). any numa page has this, you were helpful for the first question, and about my numbers


1. Its a COLLABoration between two authors, they make a map together, exchange tiles, add enemies, do whatever they want and make a amp

2. Probably on vacation/taking a break/bored/sleeping. I may have missed any goodbye maps tho

3. i dont

3. this follows BBC code, just google and you will find an explanation

Learn to do your numbers :P

4. No idea

5. I dont even know what that is

6. Im not very helpful am I?