Mother Thumping Unpossible

Thumbnail of the map 'Mother Thumping Unpossible'

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Author Boss1761
Tags action author:boss1761 hard mine-jumper mines playable unrated
Created 2011-06-24
Last Modified 2011-06-24
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
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Description 2nd map to NUMA (ill stop counting lol) if you can beat this one your pro. enjoy, use however, and ENJOY! :)


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Poached'


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sick, I'll play some of your other maps in a bit
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i just really though mother thumping IMPOSSIBLE was pretty cool so i just decided i'd make a tribute. glad you enjoyed it! im working on a new map btw

but i'll fav the map so i can come back and beat it, and so I can remember that you make good maps! haha
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that's too cool
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in N in it. Probably anyway. the thwump slide while moving, check it out
as a 2nd map. To already have the dedication to spend enough time to make such a complete/expansive map as this is really great to see in someone pretty new to it. I'll keep playing and probably comment a little more on the map in a bit, but for now, I'd suggest what you want to do is come up with your own ideas and mechanisms to use in a map. But this is a really really impressive start all the same. Props!
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Comment pls :3

remember to comment folks!