
Thumbnail of the map 'Slick'

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Author TheAdster
Tags author:theadster featured puzzle rated
Created 2011-05-12
Last Modified 2011-05-13
by 22 people.
Map Data

Description bigblargh and nevermore approved!

I wanted to make a map, but I'm lazy and anal, so I remade an old map in which the demos did not work from person to person, for some unknown reason. Let's hope that fixed that. Few aesthetic alterations, also.

I've delisted the original so no-one can get an idea of what to do from the selection of half-demos. I'll link it when someone does.


I've noticed that in my absence, none of my levels have been Featured. This is clearly some form of clerical error, so I've compiled a list of things to be fast-tracked to Featurdom:

This map (obviously)
A laser race []
My magnum opus []

Look forward to reading the reviews tomorrow.

This map was featured on 2013-01-03

The recent Dronies showcased some of the best maps found in the archives, mainly because the results were a year late but hey-ho. So here is the winner of the Puzzle Map Category: TheAdster's Slick.

You'll probably recognise the concept; several authors have tried this particular mechanic, each one attempting to add their own little innovation.

Hide yourself and move quickly... but don't forget: Sometimes you have to stop.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Disorientation Station' Thumbnail of the map 'kruschkruschkrusch' Thumbnail of the map 'Sandcastles by Moonlight' Thumbnail of the map 'CATACLYSM' Thumbnail of the map 'OMGZ YAY I WIN' Thumbnail of the map 'Alcatraz Especialé IV'
The Disorientation Station kruschkruschkrusch Sandcastles by Moonlight CATACLYSM OMGZ YAY I WIN Alcatraz Especialé IV


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Demo Data




really like this a lot.

used to be common courtesy to tag your demos fbf if they were


...fastest AGD so far and mine isnt FBF like miststalker's demo...

...anyways i really loved this puzzle and i envy your mapping ability! not many people can pull off an actual puzzle this well :D... easy 5/5...
Demo Data


Demo Data

Pretty damn good

Decently tough puzzle, plus the aesthetics are pleasing. It's a little overlong, but oh well. Excellent job on the whole. 5/5

Btw, the start is so similar to this map of mine [], on which you left a comment seemingly indicating you hadn't thought of that implementation before. I am just curious if I inspired you to make the original version of this.
Demo Data


recognised this straight away.

I felt that the difficulty was spot on for the gold, not sure what godless is on about - if you hit the trapdoor on the way down, the wall jump to avoid the gold at that point is not hard at all. More gold would be good though...


Get it? Cat's have no thumbs.

Haha, I've seen this before. Pretty sure it's in my favorites, actually.
This puzzle is puzzling me.
Pretty much the same concept at least. Fun to play.

Mm. It's just the one. The door trigger under the exit switch should be getable when it's actually useful to do so. It's very hard *not* to fall into the gold area without it.

made me think a lot even though it's pretty straight forward, felt a little long but nice map though :]




Demo Data

i like this!

nice puzzle, makes you think just the right amount.
Demo Data

After playing it a bunch, I think you put some of the triggers in the wrong place.


Been a while. 'Sup?

Hi Sunset.

This counts.

Hi Adster.