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Author | koipen |
Tags | another author:koipen rant rantantant rantatatanttatatanttatatant unrated |
Created | 2011-05-04 |
Last Modified | 2011-05-04 |
Map Data | |
Description | Maps today are all the same. They have the shredded 2367 look, and play the same, with some gauss and thwump and mine and rocket and bounceblock. It is boring. It takes great amount of time to spot a nice map which is new and innovative and fun, above all (Well, I can excuse a standard map if it's done really well). Standard mush keeps basic N needs checked but to get fullfillment you have to almost make your own.
People don't dare to place objects or make tiles the way they haven't made before, or to break these "aesthetic rules". When have you last seen rocket placed next to wall, Oneways next to objects or Floorguads next to wall. This spacious idea in which everything has to be secluded is dulling down mapping. Be brave, slam objects onto a map without caring about aesthetics. You may only succeed once out of ten tries but that one map is worth more than standardized mush. Most maps look boring and dull too. |
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I will try this
to see if I do some crazy sfuff
Mr. Pigeon feels offended. []
also, play sneekfeet's archive.
It has what you are looking for.
is my pattern baby.
You broke the aesthetic rules AND gameplay.
Demo Data |
Also, it is
"Be brave, slam objects onto a map without caring about aesthetics."
if you disagree and you don't want to take the time to spend an extra 10 minutes refining your map, break a leg. when you start saying things like 'most maps look dull too' or 'people don't dare ... to break these aesthetic rules', i'd like to point out the archives of Yahoozy, asstheoceansblue, shortshift, and pheidipides.
i recommend ending this little crusade of yours.