Let´s Play Ghost

Thumbnail of the map 'Let´s Play Ghost'

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Author Jeremoon
Tags author:jeremoon fun ghost unrated
Created 2011-04-29
Last Modified 2011-04-29
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description FUN MAP :D

Other maps by this author

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76-2 Luigi´s Pizza Mission-E Pack 76-3 Burg Schattenstein Drone Volt Attack 76-4 Broken way 77-0 Scruffy


Pages: (0)

Truly men's best friend.
Long I have awaited a map tributed to those majestic legprotectors.
Oh redish Ninja, I humbly thank thee.

Onto the actual review:

Aesthetically pleasing looks, really like your tile-set style. Also nice gold-formations and enemy placement makes this map professional and beautiful.

The Gameplay of this map is focused around finding your own way to reach the exit. There is no one routine that is the best, atleast it seems so on first glance. Tricky mines and threatening thwumps make you choose carefully what your next action will be.
I must admit though, one negative aspect is, that in the rooms with the door switches, the mine placement is a bit too unforgiving, making you die many times trying to avoid them with squeamish jumps and movements.
Otherwise a very fun and challenging map.
I also like the fact that there are multiple ways to complete it. Sneaky ninja's will know how to avoid pants and still be a success.

I would give this map a 4.67 out of 5, rounded up to a 5! Very good work there Mr. Vanquish. I hope to see more quality content like this in the future.

Below you can see my (frankly pretty bad honhon) demo.
Demo Data

What the hell.

Demo Data


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