Centre of Attention

Thumbnail of the map 'Centre of Attention'

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Author Mr_Mongoose
Tags action attention author:mr_mongoose centre redeye unrated
Created 2011-02-12
Last Modified 2011-02-12
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description lap it up

Other maps by this author

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ᴀᴀ-ᴃ ᴀᴀ-ᴄ PLC Chinook Slotted Skades Sleipnir


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for the comment i liked the name as well :P
The beginning was really hectic for me, but the rest was fine. Well, most of the rest. The jump-pads were a bit difficult to deal with at times. 4.

another, slower agd

there is a hectic laser dodge though
Demo Data


This is fun to play around in
Demo Data