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ill give you hold nothing and hold left.
I shall do hold jump and hold right
ill do it this weekend =D
I shall do hold jump and hold right
ill do it this weekend =D
ok its hard to explain.... but i will try.
helps if you turn grilines on or equivelant.
Start with the thwump pointing the opposite way than the way you want it to go half into a tile, if that makes sense....
like this
This style is known as "up" because it will move upwards.
But first, delete and replace it. now go to the level data and look at the data for the last object placed, which will look like - !8^420,384,1
8denotes a thump, the next two are coordinates and the 1 is the orientation. If you want your thump to go up, then you will have to go to the second digit. you will need to change this so that it is 1 number below it. so in this example, it will go from 384 to 383. now press l to load the level and when you go near it or land on top it will move upwards.
Thwumps that move right and down do not have to be edited in the level data but will move anyway. However if you want one to move right then you will have to change the first coordinate to one less than is.
So from !8^504,444,0
to !8^503,444,0
where the 0 means it will move left.
Hope you under stood all this. It doesnt matter what tiles you use as long as there is a tile there as shown in the picture.
Good luck, and hope we can collab one day. =]
helps if you turn grilines on or equivelant.
Start with the thwump pointing the opposite way than the way you want it to go half into a tile, if that makes sense....
like this

This style is known as "up" because it will move upwards.
But first, delete and replace it. now go to the level data and look at the data for the last object placed, which will look like - !8^420,384,1
8denotes a thump, the next two are coordinates and the 1 is the orientation. If you want your thump to go up, then you will have to go to the second digit. you will need to change this so that it is 1 number below it. so in this example, it will go from 384 to 383. now press l to load the level and when you go near it or land on top it will move upwards.
Thwumps that move right and down do not have to be edited in the level data but will move anyway. However if you want one to move right then you will have to change the first coordinate to one less than is.
So from !8^504,444,0
to !8^503,444,0
where the 0 means it will move left.
Hope you under stood all this. It doesnt matter what tiles you use as long as there is a tile there as shown in the picture.
Good luck, and hope we can collab one day. =]
129-0 sollte ausdrücken...
...dass ich mit dir eine Map machen, nämlich 129-0.
Great! A succesful 3-way kradda and didn't get attention... Terrible!
The best way is holding left.
The best way is holding left.
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I think