
This map has been removed from listings by the author.

Thumbnail of the map 'Endgame'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author GRN
Tags action author:grn grn race tileset unrated
Created 2010-06-27
Last Modified 2010-06-28
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Race, I dont know how to finish, and don't know if i want to finish it off.
So I'm putting it up for grabs. Just credit me.

Edit - Very much inspired by da_man894, and used the bottom left from his recently featured map, Candy Future. Sorry about any problems mate, nothin' personal.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Geo Fuzz' Thumbnail of the map 'Geo Fusion' Thumbnail of the map 'Patience' Thumbnail of the map 'Skin O' My Teeth' Thumbnail of the map 'Breakpoint' Thumbnail of the map 'Angry Again'
Geo Fuzz Geo Fusion Patience Skin O' My Teeth Breakpoint Angry Again


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cmon its just a loop !


the top... left part...
With big red circles around the bits that are the same, I can see the similarities even though you've tried to disguise them

There we go.

All I wanted was some credit. Thanks.

Sorry about causing a fuss, but back in the day, I've had people copy and paste whole maps of mine and claim them as their own.


Only part I used was the bottom left? You have my word for it.
you didn't even change where the flow was in the map. You could try a little harder next time - it's just like your race week map was with relentless, but much worse.


Now we just gotta wait for mists' a-okay. I have a neat collab map we can do it on aswell.

@GRN from 'Lancer'

That's more than likely because of the rectangle thing... I love making them in my maps. You'll find them scattered through roughly my last 110 maps.

And if mist agrees to that collab you requested, would I be able to join too? I undefrstand if its a no, I'd just love to do a 3-way collab with some good authors again...

And before you say yes, mist has to aswell :3

NM on the disable ratings. It came out much better than expected.


Demo Data

I'll use

but disable ratings since objects do not do as much as tiles in a race.


GRN, I don't hate you for this, but it seems you haven't had problems making up flow in the past, why start stealing? If you had credited me, I wouldn't really have cared, but you want people to credit you as if you made it all.



Well, I care.

When someone steals your work, and claims it as their own (and gives no credit, as in this situation), that's plagiarism. And on further inspection, the bottom middle/right looks like it's from my map Halls Of Abydos. Really, what gives?

o snap

the left flow is from candy future ;o
but who cares. ideas for flow sorta just went blank after a long while

You know...

I know for a fact that the left corner is just copied and pasted from my map Candy Future. The top left reminds me of my map Epitacia, though its not as obvious. What gives?


the map starts to loop right? :\


had the same problem, I guess if you jump higher it doesn't happen.

i really like it

also the minisqueeze in the beginning was cool ;p
btw, some of the trapdoors may not get activated and stuff