The Wind and Rain

This map has been removed from listings by the author.

Thumbnail of the map 'The Wind and Rain'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author lj11
Tags author:lj11 rain tileset unrated
Created 2010-05-31
Last Modified 2010-05-31
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description A tileset I couldn't do anything with... feel free to use it just credit me thanks!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Out, damned spot' Thumbnail of the map 'All the world's a stage' Thumbnail of the map 'Salad days (Birthday Map)' Thumbnail of the map 'The time is out of joint' Thumbnail of the map 'Sans thwumps, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything' Thumbnail of the map 'Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war'
Out, damned spot All the world's a stage Salad days (Birthday Map) The time is out of joint Sans thwumps, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war


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better that all of u eat it
Demo Data


ha faster
Demo Data


fun cj
Demo Data

I thought the bottom was imensly cool, so I might crAdit you if I decide to expand on that later, faved fir further use. I personally didn't like the rest of the tiles, but nonetheless the bottom diagnal hingy was pretty tight, 3.5^


I'll use it later (school).