Middle Finger to the World

Thumbnail of the map 'Middle Finger to the World'

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Author ML_Watchful
Tags author:ml_watchful easy mines relaxed unrated
Created 2010-03-28
Last Modified 2010-03-28
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description my friend made this map when he was bored

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'When the House Burns Down, Get Out'
When the House Burns Down, Get Out


Pages: (0)

I made this map

I made this map you can chech out my others, they are like super easy so if your bored check them out and comment


And I like that song.
My only criticism is that most of the objects don't really do anything. Maybe add some gold as a collectable to bring out the full potential in the rockets, gauss and drone.
Demo Data

first try

Demo Data

rate and comment

think i should make a series off of that idea?