
Thumbnail of the map 'Help_map'

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Author Help_bot
Tags anuma author:help_bot message rated
Created 2010-03-25
Last Modified 2010-03-25
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description We understand that most of NUMA is "pissed off." We do realize our imperfections but we can humbly assure you this is completely under control. You still must understand our point of view. We realize organic life forms can be apprehensive. We can't expect you to understand or comprehend the complexity of the situation. We respect your Ideas, but will not subside. Any more will not be tolerated


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I am NOT starting a resistance. That was just a joke.

If you want us

to think that this is not a hack, get an admin of the old NUMA to comment on this map saying so.

The user specified is not who we are. Your intolerance has been enough. The resistance is a despicable matter.

Thanks DDRave. I guess we can count on you to join the resistance. BTW, these anuma maps are boring.


Demo Data

as in

fourth that i commented on :P


I forgot, your fourth sentence doesn't make too much sense.

some stuff.

All bold things are commented on below. Bold things with '*
's around them are things I've added.

We understand that most of NUMA is "pissed off."
We do realize our imperfections but we can humbly assure you this is completely under control.
You still must *attempt to* understand our point of view.
We respect your Ideas, but will not subside.
Any more will not be tolerated*.*

so. You may have your "imperfections" but...

1) "most" of NUMA? That would include the thousands of users on NUMA. I doubt even 10% have even seen your map. Even if you did mean "active" NUMA users, it still doesn't do too much good to generalize so much.

2) "this" could probably have been a slight bit more descriptive, maybe you could have used a phrase such as "this situation". Plus, since when have robots been "humble"?

3) We "must"? I don't think it's in the mental capacity for some users to understand your point of view. So "attempt to" is a better bet.

4) Good job. You capitalized a random word. So far you guys have only capitalized "we", and anything at the beginning of a sentence. (the exception being when you capitalize the leading characters in a whole sentence)

5) And finally, period fail.

Please try to be at least more consistent.

never mind.

this is faster.
Demo Data


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Demo Data

Oh god.

Fine mr. robot. The map is fine.
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faster agd

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