The Spheres Of Longing

This map has been removed from listings by the author.

Thumbnail of the map 'The Spheres Of Longing'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Mericet
Tags action author:mericet fun gideonravenor gofuckyourself rated ryzorwasright
Created 2010-03-11
Last Modified 2010-03-19
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description I have been here less than a month and already i can see that this website is beset by assholes so i am just going to leave quietly and you will never see me again. Also i delisted all my maps just to deny you the small amount of pleasure you might have received from playing them. Thanks. Enjoy NUMA, guys. <--- i am implying that only someone like you could enjoy a place like this. I can't so i suppose that it is good for you that i am leaving.


Pages: (0)

looking back on it

i think this kid's a multiaccounter.


i may be wrong.
That happens to your profile if you delist a certain portion of your maps.
and i was going to relist all my maps because that was a mean thing to do

BUT my profile page is broken i guess? so i can't. Sorry.
Mericet's maps were totally new and incredible and shone out from the rest of the sludge.


This is really depressing...



I liked your maps. I wish you wouldn't leave, but hell if you really hate this that much then go ahead. Delisting your maps was a low blow :(((((((((((((((((((((
Now I'll never get to play through your archive.


Cool tiles


sorry about the double post


Nice tileset. Game play was pretty meh though. It was a bit too tricky, and getting up into the first sphere was frustrating.


Nice tileset. Game play was pretty meh though. It was a bit too tricky, and getting up into the first sphere was frustrating.

Neat tile expansion.


fun fun map. like how you were force into the first little sphere and then into the gold area. nice job indeed.

Demo Data