This map has been removed from listings by the author.

Thumbnail of the map 'ASM'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author etdeshon
Tags author:etdeshon incomplete race unrated
Created 2010-03-10
Last Modified 2010-03-10
Map Data

Description another map from the past, ideas taken from a race destiny and b3njamin did in the racepack. i will finish this eventually. i may stay just be an unactive author. hm.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Prophets of War' Thumbnail of the map 'Sacrificed Sons' Thumbnail of the map 'Another Source of Light' Thumbnail of the map 'Evil Angel' Thumbnail of the map 'Hyperdrive!' Thumbnail of the map 'Supercrush!'
Prophets of War Sacrificed Sons Another Source of Light Evil Angel Hyperdrive! Supercrush!


Pages: (0)

pretty cool idea

love how the flow works...


@troopa: yeah no_ma11y has the idea.
@no_ma11y: im a little lost as to how that flow is supposed to work. provide me a demo of that map and ill look into it :D


something like this.
Demo Data

Demo plz?

i don't get the path
Demo Data