Super Challenge #04- Annoyance

Thumbnail of the map 'Super Challenge #04- Annoyance'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author pocketchange24641
Tags author:pocketchange24641 hard sc unrated
Created 2010-03-09
Last Modified 2010-03-09
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Third Super Challenge-Super Challenge #3- The Boundary []

The Super Challenge series is very, very hard, so don't play this if you are new to N.

Also map #222.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Straight Flow' Thumbnail of the map 'And now for something completely different!' Thumbnail of the map 'Organized Scrambling' Thumbnail of the map 'Exploring Block Village' Thumbnail of the map 'Transition' Thumbnail of the map 'Filters'
Straight Flow And now for something completely different! Organized Scrambling Exploring Block Village Transition Filters


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Looking at your demos, and when I get the jump right, this is a really interesting map, with some unique ideas in terms of thwumps (especially the lower section). However for me the first jump was too hard... Maybe that's why its "annyance" xD

Still, If the start was easier it would be a fantastic map imo

second door/AGD

Demo Data

first door demo

Tip: On the first jump, you have two frames to jump. One of them kills you, the other propels you forward.
Demo Data