Administrong Submission, Round #2

Thumbnail of the map 'Administrong Submission, Round #2'

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Author EdoI
Tags action administrong author:edoi fun hard teleporters unrated
Created 2010-03-07
Last Modified 2010-03-07
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This one took me hours and hours to finish. And I'm disappointed with the map. At first, it seemed as a good idea to turn a random tileset into a teleporters map, but it was frustrating as hell. It took me three hours to make four teleporters working, making me pay less attention to the gameplay.
I hope I can edit my submission, in case I get inspiration later :). Can I? Oh, I'll just ask it in the thread on the forum.

First map in 2010.

Oh, I almost forgot: this [] is the tileset I used.

Other maps by this author

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Comrade N That is not to be discussed Prayer Elephant shower brings mud The end of a dream Who said flowers need colors?


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Whahah, dude.

Teleporters made the worse than it could be, and I made this map just in an hour (my submission) :D []