Heart View

Thumbnail of the map 'Heart View'

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Author thereisaspoon
Tags action author:thereisaspoon finish-this-map puzzly unrated
Created 2010-01-18
Last Modified 2010-01-18
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description For evil bobs finish this [] map contest. Have fun :D

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'dogs' Thumbnail of the map 'lucky for you hes a bad shot' Thumbnail of the map 'lucky for you hez a bad shot' Thumbnail of the map 'am i the only girl on numa?' Thumbnail of the map 'higher ground' Thumbnail of the map 'thwump cannon test'
dogs lucky for you hes a bad shot lucky for you hez a bad shot am i the only girl on numa? higher ground thwump cannon test


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Results to the challenge are posted Here []

I love this level.

It plays beautifully, the tiles are shaped to fit, the only thing I would change is a bit less gold.

Love it. =D

I am on the forums but I don't go on regularly, so how about we talk about it on one of my de listed maps, here's a link:clickhere []
forum name is Kaylab
post me a message with a few name perferences in it, and Ill tell you the ones I like and maybe a couple different ones.

Hey saw that you commented on my map, and my answer is sure, yes!