Linear Lines

Thumbnail of the map 'Linear Lines'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author andreas_xx
Tags author:andreas_xx race unrated
Created 2010-01-15
Last Modified 2010-01-15
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Only used 1-tiles and e-tiles :D

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Lonely Ranger' Thumbnail of the map 'Modern Warfare' Thumbnail of the map 'wild horse' Thumbnail of the map 'Surviving Swords' Thumbnail of the map 'Saturn' Thumbnail of the map 'Rambo'
Lonely Ranger Modern Warfare wild horse Surviving Swords Saturn Rambo


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But I did think this was the way for a while
Demo Data

Very Nice 5/5

Makes me feel pro lol...

p.s. demo kinda sux
Demo Data

Great map 5/5

Demo Data

not bad

but this has been done so many times before. the asthetics were also extremely straightforward. 3/5


arnet you gettting many posts all the race maps are good

flow demo
Demo Data