
Thumbnail of the map 'Crab'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Tunco123
Tags author:tunco123 rated
Created 2010-01-01
Last Modified 2010-01-01
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description He is at the middle O_o

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'With/Without Wings' Thumbnail of the map 'Dogs' Thumbnail of the map 'Happy people all over the place' Thumbnail of the map 'It's a very good day!' Thumbnail of the map 'RoboWork' Thumbnail of the map 'Theme "Deep Sea Metropolis"'
With/Without Wings Dogs Happy people all over the place It's a very good day! RoboWork Theme "Deep Sea Metropolis"


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The tiles are good

but I really dislike how this plays. It is one of your worst. Sorry. :(
I worked on the tiles specificly to maintain a theme. I usually go with one type of tiles in my maps, it also depends on my mood and what kind of theme I try to elaborate in my map.
Why is this a spam of tiles?
Because it is seriously messed up. There are like 500-frame periods where you can't access the exit, punctuated with brief periods (<50 frames) of accessibility. The worst part is it all could have been fixed pretty easily if you had just noticed it. Anyway, the rest of the map has a fun, laid-back atmosphere that's nice to get into. But because of the ending, I have to go with 6/10 => 3/5.
AGD (plus lots of waiting and then a mad dash through deadly obstacles to finally reach the exit):
Demo Data


I thought it was playing bad but stylistic. DDDDD:

eww, what a bad map, one of your worst
Demo Data


I liek :3