Burning candle

Thumbnail of the map 'Burning candle'

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Author RedForever
Tags action agd author:redforever candle flame rated tileset
Created 2009-12-15
Last Modified 2009-12-15
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description A Tileset by McFizzle [], burn bright []
simply get an AGD then post it. A ded to the fastest.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Invading RED Base 4' Thumbnail of the map 'The Wall (remake)' Thumbnail of the map 'The Sea and the Sky (P1)' Thumbnail of the map 'The Sea and the Sky (P2)'
Invading RED Base 4 The Wall (remake) The Sea and the Sky (P1) The Sea and the Sky (P2)


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Really good. Tileset look pretty, plays better. Leftern rocket launcher worked well.

Demo Data
That demo was spectacular, and for that I congratulate you.




looks like Mongy...
but since you're new, that's to be expected. I would recommend trying out different gold patterns (even if it's just a straight line sometimes; basic is better than ugly). You didn't spam, though, so that's a good thing. At least you're showing obvious effort, which is better than more than half of the new people that come onto this site :p

2/5, but don't be discouraged by that rating :)

on n reality
Demo Data

Now its Mongy!

any more comebacks?


Better still.
Demo Data

Nevertheless, that entire textbox's hillarious.

Given the level a four, because its got plenty replayability.
But thanks anyway. So far it looks like FusionCoil, but ill wait untill its off the hotmaps page :)

Triple 5

Demo Data

Faster AGD

Demo Data

Faster agd

i really like the tileset.
Demo Data

Slow AGD

If you had made the tileset, I would say this would be a 4. However, you did not create the tileset and only really added a few objects to it. I understand it was meant to be a simple high-scoring map, but I felt it could've had more. The rockets seemed like a good fit to the map and were placed in effective spots. The gold was a bit annoying as it is tedious to scale a obstacle while rockets are chasing you, and it was difficult to get gold you missed if you messed up because you couldn't easily gain momentum to fling yourself up from the curve again. The mines did a good job in making it so you could not take the easy way of wall jumping up the side walls. In all, it was decently fun as a high-scoring map but nothing truly stood out as really fun. Three out of Five
Demo Data


I'll keep trying to improve it... but for now it will do...
Demo Data