SAPT vs The Kings Of The Universe

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Thumbnail of the map 'SAPT vs The Kings Of The Universe'

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Author eganic
Tags aliens author:eganic bad mother one sapt unrated
Created 2009-11-14
Last Modified 2009-11-22
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Im only talkin' bout Sapt!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Smack Owl' Thumbnail of the map 'Casper in a Vase' Thumbnail of the map 'Satellite' Thumbnail of the map 'Loco Locals' Thumbnail of the map 'Bus] Hoppers]' Thumbnail of the map 'Whipped Dragon Jizz'
Smack Owl Casper in a Vase Satellite Loco Locals Bus] Hoppers] Whipped Dragon Jizz


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did you know..

that dewgong kicks tentacruels ass?


I made the loadtime a bit more annoying, but its actually easy-going enough that you shouldnt have to restart very many times.


you know you've already won when they identify this as an "eganic map".

they being the plebes.

yes, your gold writing is unique

much better

i prefer for you to be specific and negative than confusing and negative. i think its boring too, but i like some of the gameplay quirks and i think its fairly stylized and creative.




It's really pretentious and boring.

This is such an eganic map..............