7-1: Slippin' and Slidin'

Thumbnail of the map '7-1: Slippin' and Slidin''

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Author OutrightOJ
Tags action author:outrightoj playable rated reject
Created 2009-09-26
Last Modified 2009-10-20
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description MoA reject.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '6-0: Avengers of the Avenged' Thumbnail of the map '6-1: Psyched on the Traintracks' Thumbnail of the map '6-2: We Cry In Every City' Thumbnail of the map '6-3: Cluster Virus' Thumbnail of the map '6-4: ' relevance to the gameplay.'' Thumbnail of the map '7-0: 'Pattern'ising (The REAL Version.)'
6-0: Avengers of the Avenged 6-1: Psyched on the Traintracks 6-2: We Cry In Every City 6-3: Cluster Virus 6-4: ' relevance to the gameplay.' 7-0: 'Pattern'ising (The REAL Version.)


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I fbf'ed 177, so there's still room for improvement, and if you're skilled enough, maybe around 173 is possible. tied toefacekiller
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missed one
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Yeahh, I've been working and playing tons of music. Not as much free time anymore unless I stay up till 4:30... Holy crap it's 4:30 I'll talk to you later man!
Thank's for all your feedback.

TFK, long time no see, dude. How've you been?

fbf speed

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AGD. Nice OJ, 5/5.
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tito and tarantula 4

Faster speed

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really good stuff

couldnt decide whether that one way was needed. this isa perfect example of a 4.5/5 for me, but since we cant do that anymore, ill give a 4.
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