Slide Away

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Author Slideaway
Tags author:slideaway away rated slide
Created 2009-09-02
Last Modified 2009-09-02
by 23 people.
Map Data

Description Slide away,
and give it all you got.
My today,
fell in from the top.
I dream of you,
and all the things you say.
I wonder where you are now.

Hold me down,
cause all the world's asleep
I need you now,
you've knocked me off my feet,
I dream of you,
we talk of growing old
But you said please don't...

Slide in baby,
together we'll fly
I've tried praying,
but I don't know what you're saying to me

Now that you're mine
We'll find a way
Of chasing the sun
Let me be the one, that shines with you
in the morning, I don't know what to do
two of a kind
We'll find a way
To do what we've done
Let me be the one, that shines with you
And we can slide away, slide away, slide away, away...

Slide away, and give it all you've got
My today, fell in from the top
I dream of you, and all the things you say
I wonder where you are now?

Slide in baby, together we'll fly
I've tried praying, and I know just what you're saying to me

Now that you're mine
We'll find a way
Of chasing the sun
Let me be the one that shines with you
in the morning when you don't know what to do
two of a kind
We'll find a way
To do what we've done
Oh, let me be the one
That shines with you, and we can slide away...


Ayche Ay Ayche Ay Ayche Ay Ayche Ay Ay Ayche Ay Ayche Ay Ayche Ayche Ay Ay Ay Aych.




Yes. I bitch at everybody on this site, bunch of cunts that you are. I multiaccount when I'm new, I admit it, I get banned. Jackpack multiaccounts when he's been here for ages, he gets caught, he gets away with it. I think the bias is what started the angriness of you lot. You're all dicks to new people, so I made a lot of accounts just to see, and to see if I could pull off a different personality efficiently. You all try to laugh it off, but you've been fooled and you know it.

This is one of the most stupid things I have /ever/ read. As I've already explained, Jackpack was let off because he wasn't abusive, like you were (and still are).
Most new people are welcomed, and treated nicely, even the ones that we're suspicious of. You claim to have made new accounts to see whether we're dicks to new people, as if you're morally superior to us. What bullshit. Even if you did, which I don't believe for a second, the fact that we were suspicious of your accounts was because we thought that you were the person behind them. You are the one who made us feel that way in the first place. Before you returned in such dickish fashion, newbies were welcomed and accepted, but after you multi-accounted with no respect for the rules, you forced us to distrust newcomers because we couldn't be sure that it was just you, being your immature, idiotic self.
Frankly, anyone who goes to the lengths of creating an account, lying about their age, leaving for a while pretending that their non-existent wife was having a baby, finding an avatar to match their story and bringing their non-existent family into every argument they take part in, and does all this in order to stay in a community where they have no friends and is hated by just about everyone, is incredibly sad. It's actually extremely depressing.


If GTM were evil_sire, that would mean that he was drathmoore as well...hmm...

I am GTM.

But GTM is not me.

Seriously though, I hope you decide to either leave or be a productive member of the community.

This is just getting silly.


Guys, just so you know, I'm /not/ Evil_Sire. Before this gets out of control.

I already knew ChrisE ;)

We all are multiaccounters.

It's true!


i'm bored of it now...

Are you really?

I never would have known...


who's the new guy?


You know, i'm a multiaccounter too...

<3 Seneschal.


OK then:




Replace that rant with ayches and ays and you will still be cool.


I don't know why you were so vocal in denying MickyTP; that was one of the more obvious ones, imo. I suspected farman for a while, but changed my mind. Nocturnil was obvious. Ampburner, Kaphlophis, Sycamore, Morphis, all obvious. Oh and this account, of course. I didn't get Sacred_Fountain, or andalus though. I suppose you'll count those as victories, in your crazy world.
Yes, so we were fooled; so what? There's a reason you went undetected in those accounts that we didn't suspect: it's because there you acted like a normal human being: not stupidly aggressive, nor needlessly abusive as you are usually. Think about it: we respected you when you acted nicely.

You weren’t banned just for multi-accounting, but for being abusive to several people as well. You swear and insult just about everyone who disagrees with you, and most of the people who do agree with you, anyway. You seem to think that you’re some sort of hyper-intelligent uber-citizen, whose every word should be celebrated, every opinion concurred with, every thought cherished, when in actuality, you’re a sad, pathetic, horrible little person whose intelligence obviously doesn’t stretch to realising that being nice, not nasty, is the way to gain friends and followers.

Your whole stay here has been laughable: you make a few decent maps, and suddenly you think you can be abusive to everyone and get away with it; when you’re punished, instead of seeing the error of your ways, you cling to the community that hates you in the hope that they’ll appreciate your average to good maps and suddenly forgive you. Seriously, you must be a complete loner in real life, I don’t know why else you’d try and stay so desperately in a place where no-one likes you.

You're an attention whore, arrogant, unkind and an idiot to boot with a superiority complex; I hope one day you'll realise why everyone hates you and change your ways for the better, but, frankly, I just can't see that happening.

I hope you read this and actually think about it, reflect upon it, and improve.




You are a funny little person.


Yes. I bitch at everybody on this site, bunch of cunts that you are. I multiaccount when I'm new, I admit it, I get banned. Jackpack multiaccounts when he's been here for ages, he gets caught, he gets away with it. I think the bias is what started the angriness of you lot. You're all dicks to new people, so I made a lot of accounts just to see, and to see if I could pull off a different personality efficiently. You all try to laugh it off, but you've been fooled and you know it.


/ \


and you bitched at others who supposedly M.A.-ed?
wow you blow
I had to make the profile weird to remain anonymous. haha




Or do I have to post with all the ones that aren't banned?




This is the most loved account I guess: "Bye Farman, your critique has been awesome when you were here and everything you said was pretty much spot on. Good luck with the family and work!"

Even Seneschal, the little dick sniffer he is, seemed to like this account:

"You know
If I gave you the impression that I didn't like you, then I'm sorry. Even if I've disagreed with you in the past, I still regard you as a voice of reason during your recent spell here. Good luck with real life!"

So yeah, you're a bunch of tossers. This site is utter bollocks.

Fuck I'm so eloquent, this was fun toying with you little whiners.


what other accounts do you have?
he's so easily upset :P


You shouldn't jump to conclusions, in this case it is correct, yes my name is Tom... but no shit Sherlock, it takes a fucking genius to know that, but nobody else in this place is as big-a fan as me, so that's why I chose this...

And anybody who doesn't believe me, just ask and I'll post on one of my other accounts.

But you're a bunch of fucknuggets.

wow Im surprised

you haven't been acused of being some well known mapper yet. :P

Well done.

It's not hard to snipe.

slide in baby

You're not the only one who listens to Oasis, Tom.