Simple Challenge-Catch the Momentum

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Thumbnail of the map 'Simple Challenge-Catch the Momentum'

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Author Tunco123
Tags author:tunco123 rated simple
Created 2009-08-26
Last Modified 2009-08-26
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Even if you think it's impossible it isn't.

You should "catch the momentum" and walljump at that 5 tile. Corner kick could be possible but that would a lot harder.

Btw, it's possible, I've done it on Ned without fbf, but I wasn't recording the demo.

I don't want to disable ratings this time.

Other maps by this author

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Kentrestel City Folders. Lazerlight Show Improvident Seeking. Unfinished Business You are going down.


Pages: (0)


just because I can :}
Demo Data

It should be...

"Even if you don't think it's possible, it is", or "Even if you think it's impossible, it isn't." Currently, it sounds like it IS impossible.

Which I can see it isn't...
Though, 4aved 2 of your latest maps, nocturnil. :)
Demo Data

Well I did it.

Made it look nicer that is. Only because I'm bored.

Although I can make it look nicer.
Demo Data


I think sub-135 is possible.

Demo on NReality.

Faster is possible.
Demo Data