Going through tiles

This map has been removed from listings by the author.

Thumbnail of the map 'Going through tiles'

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Author Tunco123
Tags author:tunco123 chimney chimney-esque trick unrated
Created 2009-08-22
Last Modified 2009-08-22
Map Data

Description I guess I will make chimney-themed levels, after all, I enjoy chimneying. You can search chimney-esque to find these levels, also, I will put this tag to other chimney themed levels I made.

In this one, you have to gain speed in little time and gain enough speed to go through tiles.

Maybe easy for advanced players, good practicing level for beginners.

Ratings disabled as usual. Edit: Moved the exit door so now it's possible to finish the level.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Simple Challenge- Jump off the corner' Thumbnail of the map 'Cold.' Thumbnail of the map 'Kentrestel City' Thumbnail of the map 'Folders.' Thumbnail of the map 'Lazerlight Show' Thumbnail of the map 'Improvident Seeking.'
Simple Challenge- Jump off the corner Cold. Kentrestel City Folders. Lazerlight Show Improvident Seeking.


Pages: (0)

made it

good idea...
Demo Data

Made it.

Demo on NReality.
Demo Data

I can't do this one

I know Viil.

I guess that you go so fast door doesn't detects you and you hit the ceiling and die.

My demo was death-demo too. I just wanted to show that happened.


i make it to the door, but somehow i die and lllloooooosssssseeeee


But it's possible to reach the door alive.
Demo Data