Going through rockets

This map has been removed from listings by the author.

Thumbnail of the map 'Going through rockets'

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Author Tunco123
Tags author:tunco123 chimney chimney-esque pass rocket trick unrated
Created 2009-08-21
Last Modified 2009-08-22
Map Data

Description It's a new trick I found.

If you go fast enough, you can pass through the rocket and finish the level. It could be hard, but not impossible.

A level of chimney-esque series.
Ratings disabled. It's just a simple chimney map.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Simple Challenge- Jump off the corner' Thumbnail of the map 'Cold.' Thumbnail of the map 'Kentrestel City' Thumbnail of the map 'Folders.' Thumbnail of the map 'Lazerlight Show' Thumbnail of the map 'Improvident Seeking.'
Simple Challenge- Jump off the corner Cold. Kentrestel City Folders. Lazerlight Show Improvident Seeking.


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It's most like Life 247
Demo Data

I'm the fastest

Demo Data
Because when you go through a door, door detecs you, but because you go very fast you die (or not) and finish the level. So it's not the same thing, rocket doesn't detecs you. I'm sure it happened some of you before, I asked Meta, it happened to Meta too, I wonder if it's possible with gausses.


Might be max.
Demo Data

Is this really new?

i thought this was just accelerating till you started clipping, which has been done before with walls, locked doors, drones, etc.
I have trouble believing this but, this demo is completly non-fbf.
Demo Data

I have discovered this before. Just didn't sub it cuz i thought it was basically the same as going through doors...

First try :|

But I can't beat it.
Demo Data

Non-fbf faster.

Demo on NReality. I'm sure faster is possible.
Demo Data


Demo on NReality.
Demo Data


i fbf'ed it, which is the only way i can do it
Demo Data