Intelligent Design

This map has been removed from listings by the author.

Thumbnail of the map 'Intelligent Design'

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Tags author:gnothergnu race rated
Created 2009-08-05
Last Modified 2009-08-05
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description so we've had a launchpad wall and a launchpad floor ... time for a launchpad ceiling.

no enemies and 100% cheatable but i think the flow speaks for itself and some of you seem quite keen for me to make a map :P i think i will finish it properly sometime.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'fragmented' Thumbnail of the map 'Parabolic Flight' Thumbnail of the map 'Distortion' Thumbnail of the map 'The Wrath of Tlaloc' Thumbnail of the map 'Gnothergwulf' Thumbnail of the map 'I'm a...'
fragmented Parabolic Flight Distortion The Wrath of Tlaloc Gnothergwulf I'm a...


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I hope you had a good one. :D


i made this thinking of you, and i was going to ded it to you but didnt finish it. i'll get there, consider it yours for the time being.


Watching your demo was pretty amazing, why dont you make races more frequently? You're one of the top race mappers out here at the moment

interesting map

i liked it, yet i think that it got a tad repetitive and the direction changes on the last fall were fairly unsmooth.

good to see you back though :D
wont rate now, incase you sub a completion.
but would you mind checking out my latest race?

i will fave this

so that I will come back and best it sometime. Hope you have a good holiday.
Liked the aesthetics, felt a bit destiny-esque with the launchpads, yet lacked a bit in color; I think mines would have brightened up the map a bit, or even and nreality background(don't ask how)

you're back :] this was nice, I agree with XY

thanks :)

sorry it came out a bit mean. i am quite surprised that people missed me so much.

I hope you had/have a nice holiday then. :]
i was on holiday and felt like relaxing. its not even a month since i faved your map! anyway i do enjoy making maps so i will carry on doing it when i feel like it, but i'm away for a few weeks so dont expect much from me.


You don't have to make maps if you don't want, but you shouldn't leave without a word, too... It's really only your choice... If you make races just because your fans (including me) want you to, they (or at least I) would feel guilty :P...

... And this map is pretty nice, I like the quick jumps... (I have to say that again because in my other comment it sounds like I wouldn't really like this xD)
^^... Aesthetics are good and the flow, too... And, well... hmmm... It's unfinished, so there's not really more to say :P
I also think that the race doesn't really matters at the moment, for me it's more like the background of your comeback, so...
Welcome back!^^ *throws confetti over GNUs head* :]

forgot to mention

you need to hold jump down as you press play


Didn't like the flow.
Demo Data

intended flow

Demo Data

welcome back.

play it in a sec.