
Thumbnail of the map 'dussy.'

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Author fingersonthefrets
Tags author:fingersonthefrets dussy. featured rated
Created 2009-07-18
Last Modified 2009-07-18
by 13 people.
Map Data

Description dussy.

This map was featured on 2013-04-29

She loves me, she loves me not...

How were dinosaurs supposed to pick daisy petals anyway? Diplodocus would stamp them good, Velociraptor would shred them to bits, and poor old T-Rex couldn't even see his hands...

Still, they needed to get some just like the rest of us. I wonder how they went about it, do you think they enjoyed long strolls by the lava pools before they found a nice shady...

Wait a minute, I read that wrong, I.... GROSS!


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'CLOONEY'D' Thumbnail of the map 'A Horticulturist's Dilemma' Thumbnail of the map 'Into The Hillside' Thumbnail of the map 'loverocket' Thumbnail of the map 'hold the line' Thumbnail of the map 'Blood Splashing (Fake Blood Theme)'
CLOONEY'D A Horticulturist's Dilemma Into The Hillside loverocket hold the line Blood Splashing (Fake Blood Theme)


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and AGD.. then remove the first digit of the frame count and then call myself romaniac.
Demo Data

superb map


Probably close to maxed, but a few frames might be left. I doubt you can beat the drone, but maybe, who knows :P
Demo Data


Sub-1000 should be possible, but beating the drone would rock ass. Fun map :D
Demo Data


Demo Data
i like logn walks on the beaches and strawberries and peaches

Great map

Even better review. 5/5 for both :D
No seriously awesome feature!
As usual, the internet ruining my childhood. Then again, pterodactyl [] didn't help me all too much.
Demo Data

o i like. 5/5


'(i'm pretty embarrassed about submitting this by the way people. haha. it's a nice map though)'

moreso now, seeing as that's a past chapter of my life, but still like the map, so.. mostly happy it's featured.. I think haha.

Loved the review also! haha :) Thanks a bunch ATOB! :D

yeah thanks :)

i do like this one. it's all very cute.


is really, really cool.

Very cute. Ask her to play it. She'll love it!

Very fun map.

You should make her play it! ;o

fun and flowy

Demo Data

This [] is pretty funny.


you know, dussy?

how do you not know dussy?




(i'm pretty embarrassed about submitting this by the way people. haha. it's a nice map though)
Demo Data