Eye Candy

Thumbnail of the map 'Eye Candy'

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Author Nick43092
Tags author:nick43092 rated test
Created 2005-11-04
Last Modified 2006-01-25
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description An N art level with a little maze on the bottom, yes it does lag ALOT, but I think that it's worth it.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Plinko' Thumbnail of the map 'Cute and Fuzzy..... or is it????!!!!' Thumbnail of the map 'Annoying Maze' Thumbnail of the map 'Flora and Fauna' Thumbnail of the map '"Simple Challenge" Geosepi' Thumbnail of the map 'Mazin Room'
Plinko Cute and Fuzzy..... or is it????!!!! Annoying Maze Flora and Fauna "Simple Challenge" Geosepi Mazin Room


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there a opening near the bottem corner of the eye i jumped through near the bottem of the eye