That Swiss lifeguard from Tonga

Thumbnail of the map 'That Swiss lifeguard from Tonga'

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Author aerodynamic
Tags author:aerodynamic fun medium playable time unrated
Created 2009-07-01
Last Modified 2009-07-01
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Another race against time. I had a tileset, and didn't really know what to do with it, so after I remembered my first ever level (though not on this site) "Clouds and Raindrops" (, I decided to make this in the same style. Again, for some this should be easy, for others it's likely to be much more difficult. This should not be played in NED.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Tide's Coming In' Thumbnail of the map 'Is This a Joke?' Thumbnail of the map '3.14159265358979' Thumbnail of the map 'smorgasbord' Thumbnail of the map 'Mad Hard' Thumbnail of the map 'Clouds and Raindrops'
Tide's Coming In Is This a Joke? 3.14159265358979 smorgasbord Mad Hard Clouds and Raindrops


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I don't mess up in this demo. I think this is a fun level, but I suppose it depends on the player.
Demo Data


but I do it differently
Demo Data
and im not trying it again.
Demo Data