Mr. Lol says "Hi!"

Thumbnail of the map 'Mr. Lol says "Hi!"'

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Author Keron
Tags author:keron ddaish featured recreation sadistic unplayable unrated
Created 2009-06-11
Last Modified 2009-06-13
Map Data

Description A game of truly random physics.
How many plays will it take you before all 5 body parts are eaten by the cave demon?

This map was featured on 2012-07-03

Rome is abuzz today; the leader of the savage Gallian army has been captured and this afternoon he will die a terrible death. One puny lion has been deemed too small of a challenge for this warrior, the plague of Roman centurions for more than a decade. Not even a retiarii could stand against him. No, today the populace will get a more gruesome show.

At the Colosseum, the appointed time nears; the city holds its breath. Slowly, the Emperor raises his hand... — flagmyidol

Other maps by this author

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One-Ways are not Flat :( Into the Vault


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Demo Data

This is pretty cool

I like it because it's something really creative that I wouldn't have seen if it hadn't otherwise been featured, but I feel like it could be a lot more enjoyable if it was cleaned up to be easier to take all of it in.
...all of my body parts made it to the end :D

...what do i win?


Who is Keron Cyst?
I agree with da_guru ... that'd be good if you could save kill demos.


Die During Action.

haha this makes me happy



...Why did I watch this for 5 minutes
I had some fun watching the ninja's legs wandering, yet I must say I'm bewildered this map got featured. Excellent review, though.

I like

this feature

nvm i do

i dont get it

5 Times

5 plays was enough. got them all in


fun! 2 legs and the head(body)arms are the only things missing
Bhaha. This is wicked in a sadistic way.

So are you, like, back for good now, or what?