The Woogums' Keep

Thumbnail of the map 'The Woogums' Keep'

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Author Puffin
Tags author:puffin epigone fin rated woogums
Created 2009-06-06
Last Modified 2009-06-06
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description Beautiful tiles [] by epigone. Does anyone else see the Woogums?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Curfew' Thumbnail of the map 'Quintessential Philosophies' Thumbnail of the map 'Sun Tortoise' Thumbnail of the map 'Saw 431.5'
Curfew Quintessential Philosophies Sun Tortoise Saw 431.5


Pages: (0)

the bounceblocks...i liked
I've seen people being accused of multiaccounting countless times, and it's sort of disheartening. Map ratings really don't matter -- I don't see any point in multiaccounting myself, and I certainly wouldn't care enough to set off the alarm if someone else was. Also, I'm pretty sure this map hasn't broken a 4.

Anyway, to the others, thanks for the feedback.

this map is ratted a five by six people. The gameplay was alright but the tileset was excellent. But this isn't his tileset. And there are only two comments by other people.

The end is

kind of annoying. Otherwise fun map. 3.5/5
Demo Data


slipped at the end, this was fun.
Demo Data

Decent AGD.

This can probably be dropped under a thousand frames.
Demo Data