A Perfect Day in a Timeless World

Thumbnail of the map 'A Perfect Day in a Timeless World'

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Author Natai
Tags author:natai motion nreality rated slow timeless world
Created 2009-05-30
Last Modified 2009-05-30
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description A slow-motion NReality map. Very easy. The 3D effect was accidental, but I thought it looked pretty cool.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Countdown to Defeat' Thumbnail of the map 'Gravity Race 2: New Rules' Thumbnail of the map 'Gravity Race 2: ShockWave' Thumbnail of the map 'VolleyNReality' Thumbnail of the map 'Thwump Recharge' Thumbnail of the map 'The Real Power of the Claw'
Countdown to Defeat Gravity Race 2: New Rules Gravity Race 2: ShockWave VolleyNReality Thwump Recharge The Real Power of the Claw


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wrong with hidden enemies? I've heard lots of people say that, but I don't see why you're required to be able to "see" what's ahead of you.

hidden enemies

are not good

Nice background

groovy idea, but it could use more enemies. 4/5