Some Kind of Vessel?

This map has been removed from listings by the author.

Thumbnail of the map 'Some Kind of Vessel?'

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Author Seneschal
Tags action author:seneschal mapdraft4 unrated
Created 2009-05-22
Last Modified 2009-05-22
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description For mapdraft; the packs I used:

Bouncehouse - by Erik-Player
Up to 20 launchpads
10 bounceblocks
1 guass turret OR Rocket

Any mobile enemies you place must be NaNed, or placed in locations where they can't move at all.

Extraordinarily Sharp Edges
15 'E' Tiles
10 'Five' Tiles
X total 'Two' and/or 'Three' Tiles, where X is the total number of Mines you must place in your map.

CEC Pack 2
3 Seeker Drones
5 Mines
10 Gold
10 'E' Tiles
2 'Two' Tiles
4 'Four' Tiles
5 'Five' Tiles


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'He's fat, he smokes, he's the pilot' Thumbnail of the map 'Louisville Detention Centre' Thumbnail of the map 'Deception' Thumbnail of the map 'Teddybears go prepared' Thumbnail of the map 'Galileo' Thumbnail of the map 'Archaic'
He's fat, he smokes, he's the pilot Louisville Detention Centre Deception Teddybears go prepared Galileo Archaic


Pages: (0)

With "the pack" he meant the MoA Map Pack done by 50 authors making 500 excellent maps.
It is too late too join now though, we are already underway.
can't anyway. Parental Controls

Much faster

sub-600 is possible.
Demo Data


I like how even though you only had three mines you still managed to keep everyone out of the bottom. The rocket is a nice challenge.

slow agd

vessel made me think of wessel for some reason, which reminded me of the life of brian with that guy who cant say r
Demo Data