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Plays nice
fun any very well done
just to much gold, 4/5 up because I like the gameplay.
Your style is interesting.
You don't sacrifice anything for gameplay it seems. No matter how strange the aesthetics are, your maps that I've played all have really great gameplay.
It's nice.
It's nice.
The tileset looks somewhat messy
The gameplay, too, is cluttered. Your options are restricted by the mines, and that makes the turrets significantly more challenging. The drones didn't get in my way too much, though they do make it a little harder.
My major complaint, though, is the location of the exit switch. The area around it is small for dodging both an incoming rocket and a gauss turret, and to actually get the switch, you have to touch it and get out before the gauss hits you. Finally, getting out requires jumping through the small gap between mines and wall, often right into the gauss turret's shot.
Overall, this map was better than I expected based on the thumbnail, but not by much. I seem to have had a harder time with it than others did, though, on the other hand, I am the only one to have submitted an NReality demo.