Petals In A Storm

Thumbnail of the map 'Petals In A Storm'

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Author MattyMc13
Tags author:mattymc13 flow fun race rated
Created 2009-04-19
Last Modified 2009-04-24
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description I feel this is my first real map that has any sort of style to it. It took me a while to make it, and I feel it has good flow. Just try to follow the gold and you should be able to complete it correctly, ortherwise there is a demo below.
Please Rate, Comment, and Enjoy.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Exploding Discs' Thumbnail of the map 'Ill Sanity' Thumbnail of the map 'The Good Old Hockey Game' Thumbnail of the map 'Affected Development' Thumbnail of the map 'Smoking Kills' Thumbnail of the map 'Rising Through the Rain'
Exploding Discs Ill Sanity The Good Old Hockey Game Affected Development Smoking Kills Rising Through the Rain


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You gave me a good comment on my map so i feel i should improve mine for your map.

This map is great fun, as i said... I have been trying out a lot of race maps recently and i must say, yours is a challenging map compared to some others but it still has a level of simplicity about it, which is a great thing as it makes you want to play it over, and over again. I personally have been playing this map for a few days and i'm still not bored of it. Again great job and i will be checking out more of your maps when i can.

In this video, I mess up but still get all gold and completion :D
Demo Data

Very fun level :D 4aved
Demo Data

even faster

Demo Data
but this cheat demo at least has some flow to it
Demo Data

you've got a point

but I still don't like cheating. And your route didn't really have any flow

i don't think so.
It's only another route.
The correct route was only for AGD!^^


cheating takes the fun out of a map

sub 1000 XD
Demo Data


this musta taken a while to make...
love how the route was so long using such a wide space of the map... the rockets were also well timed on multiple occations. i loved the feel of this aswell.
u need to work on the tileset though...make it look more attracting. and the gold was also a tad weird...

overall much better than ur previous races. want to see more from u :D

farthest i've got

i LOVE the open space.

first half was great, fun flow. but i think reusing such a big section was not a great idea, it got a bit boring and the race was long enough already imo.

rockets were pretty reliable, which is good. bounceblocks were pretty nice, actually reminds me a bit of my Kinetics but this feels so much BIGGER. i think you might have restricted yourself with the tiles - i've done this before and it always feels like something is being compromised so i normally give up and start again - congrats on persevering to the end with that.

i'm not a great fan of the gold, but there's definitely enough good here to justify a 4/5.
Demo Data

here's the demo

for the correct route.
Demo Data