The Hazards of Love

This map has been removed from listings by the author.

Thumbnail of the map 'The Hazards of Love'

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Author Life247
Tags ambient author:life247 cec floorguards twoway unrated
Created 2009-04-11
Last Modified 2009-04-11
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description My first map for The CEC []. The challenge is only floorguards and mines as enemies, but I felt mines cluttered too much.

This is nothing like what I started out with. I was originally going for a T3chno-like multi-path map, but this is waay better. Head down and choose either the left or the right path.

(EDIT: Removed doubled-up gold)

Other maps by this author

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Crook's Company Twist Tie Ampersand Constant Stream New Candles Carrey


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this map was incredibly boring. There was little flair. It was the same thing copied over and over for the entire map. Where is the adventure? Where is the flow? It's important to keep the player entertained (if you're making maps for other people to enjoy and not solely for your own personal enjoyment) and this map failed miserably at that for me.

Gold Placement!


Quite fun.

A bit long for me to AGD. The awkward squeezes got old, but the concept was definitely done well.
