4-3 Futurama

Thumbnail of the map '4-3 Futurama'

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Author -MisterX-
Tags author:-misterx- cool fun level race unrated
Created 2009-04-05
Last Modified 2009-04-07
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Episode 4 Level 3 Futurama

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '3-3 Buster' Thumbnail of the map '3-4 Laserway' Thumbnail of the map '4-0 Dragon' Thumbnail of the map 'Twump Fury' Thumbnail of the map '4-1 	 Solar eclipse' Thumbnail of the map '4-2 Gold Treasure'
3-3 Buster 3-4 Laserway 4-0 Dragon Twump Fury 4-1 Solar eclipse 4-2 Gold Treasure


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Bit too small for flow

flow was crazy

and the machine gun too deadly.....


awesome show...but the flow was horrible...sorry the truth hurts. and the enemies were placed in places which ruined the flow...the chaingun in particular.
look at other races for better combinations of tiles ect.

I agree with yokola

The tilset is much to be appreciated, but the gameplay was ok, but not smooth in areas. 3.25/5

nice gameplay but i don't like so much the tilesets... sorry for the double post

i get stuck too many times. Try my last mape that's a race and look the differences

