Creating Explosives

Thumbnail of the map 'Creating Explosives'

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Author Tunco123
Tags agd author:tunco123 gauss gold mine rated
Created 2009-03-28
Last Modified 2009-03-28
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description I would be very happy if someone comments what he/she thinks about this map.Credit to schaaf for this awesome tileset.

EDİT:Sorry I was too busy(?)when making the map,I forgot the exit door,added now.

Other maps by this author

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No More Heroes Genious Catchinator Computer Annivesary Broken light Power Generator


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there was to much for the tileset to handle, but still ok


Bit too hard, too many mines and gauss turrets.
Objects were placed in hazardous areas making this far to difficult.

I see that gold, gauss and mines would be perfect for this tile eset by you got a bit too carried away.
mine placement is meh. there are some places where you have to practically jump on the mines to get the gold, but then the guass shoots you first. tileset should've remained a tileset, cuz I don't think you did it much glory. this looks like a first attempt at a mine-jumper, and I have to say this isn't above average. soory man.

Sorry for the exit.

Sorry I was too busy(?)when making the map,I forgot the exit door,added now.And @ Brainstone:I playtested it but somehow I deleted the map before getting the map data from Ned.
It's fixed now.

maybe he didnt want an exit, this might just be an agd challange. agreed with too many gausses, only have 1 attacking n at a time


i thought damn this is just amazing....but after i ve seen that theres no exit :) but i like the concept..and i dont think its too hard

1. the map is too hard
-too many mines
-too many gausses
2. You can see, you didn´t playtest at all, because
3. There´s no exit