
Thumbnail of the map 'Prison?'

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Author MagixX
Tags author:magixx fun unrated
Created 2009-03-28
Last Modified 2009-03-28
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
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• don't put a lot of enemies unless there separated.
• putting in too much object will make it lag and the enemies wont fire until you stand in a spot for a while.
• too much gold. try to put gold places where people will go to get distracted.
• i know you didn't on this map but never ever! hide gold under trapdoor opening thing unless you have to make a puzzle map and you want gold somewhere.
• don't submit a map if you don't think it's possible. If you think it is possible but cant do it, tell someone to play test it
• tiles could of been much better. Try spending sometime with your maps so they can get rated.
• something you should know(but you didn't do it :}) is 2 maps on hot page per time from 1 author and 5 maps per day from 1 author.

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