
Thumbnail of the map 'Greed'

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Author Pheonix26
Tags author:pheonix26 easy playable traped unrated
Created 2009-03-09
Last Modified 2009-03-09
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Don't be greedy...

Other maps by this author

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Enter the Missile


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the trap idea of the level is a bit defeated by the fact that all of them are trapped. People don't really go for that kind of traps. Also there are no enemies in your map which can be hard to pull off a good map with. It is much harder to work enemies in, but if you master them , you are pretty much good. I personnally like maps that are fun to play rather than look but i'm not most people

i still haven't made any good maps (0/99) so don't feel too bad