02-0: Party Poopers

Thumbnail of the map '02-0: Party Poopers'

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Author jackass77
Tags action author:jackass77 cmc2 conceptual jackassawsumness unrated
Created 2009-02-24
Last Modified 2009-02-24
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description For mappack and conceptual map contest

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Out Under the Closet' Thumbnail of the map '01-2: Hypostat! CHARGE!' Thumbnail of the map 'MonstersTeethAndJackassMakeMasterpieces' Thumbnail of the map '01-3: Gigastart Rawr!' Thumbnail of the map 'NOOMELAP' Thumbnail of the map '1-4: Entraptment'
Out Under the Closet 01-2: Hypostat! CHARGE! MonstersTeethAndJackassMakeMasterpieces 01-3: Gigastart Rawr! NOOMELAP 1-4: Entraptment


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That sounds like a fairly arbitrary interpretation, a concept map should really just centre around a particular element or theme. Originality is no prerequisite.

Although I certainly didn't grasp it, because I thought the conceptual part of the map was simply following the given themes.
idea of the concept. You are supposed to use objects like they've never been used before. Make new, never before seen uses of objects and apply it to a map that abides to a theme.


yer, im not really good with minimalism, its not my style.... but still mays well, i wont make anything better



But if the theme is minimalism, why would you opt for a massive overkill of lasers?

them lasers

they keep pooping my party.

fun, a bit annoying and awkward at times, but well constructed overall.