Comments on "the hollows"

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great map, congrats!
Demo Data

hah, mintnut

I knew you were kiaora. Now I just need to find out who else was in on kiaora...

I really miss ultCult. He was my favourite author for quite a while. Great choice for a feature, mintnut.
Stupid computer troubles. He'd be a big name otherwise.


is the best author on NUMA.
i dont think the map is that great either.

The review is...





This is truely a fantastic map.
Excellent work.
If it was rateable i would have given it a 5


in the review!

I miss your maps, man.
Plus you were a great guy to have around.
If you are around, let me know. If not then I hope to see you this summer when you might have more time for maps!

yeah ):

Map ):

Same as kiaora. Great job!

very nice indeed, although moving through/around one-ways smoothly is tricky :(

Thank you :)




I originally

thought that this was far too difficult, but my quest for an AGD has led me to the conclusion that this map is about as near to perfect as anything I've seen before. It's definitely one of the most perfect examples of this particular kind of concept. Really, this is so wonderfully done, it's a crime that people have overlooked it so far.
Demo Data