mine overload 47

This map has been removed from listings by the author.

Thumbnail of the map 'mine overload 47'

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Author natures_peril
Tags author:natures_peril hard minejumper rated
Created 2009-02-02
Last Modified 2009-02-02
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description ded to cheesemonger for the tiles, changed the tiles a bit tho...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'how you remind me' Thumbnail of the map 'no gold!' Thumbnail of the map 'puzzled' Thumbnail of the map 'syzygy 2' Thumbnail of the map 'flotson and jetson' Thumbnail of the map 'truth is hard to swallow'
how you remind me no gold! puzzled syzygy 2 flotson and jetson truth is hard to swallow


Pages: (0)


love this
Demo Data
because it looked way too long, but I'm glad I did. Perfect difficulty for the length (=
Demo Data
Good difficulty curve, actually. A bit repetitive; thus a little generic for a minejumper. But still pretty fun.


absolutly fun xD 5!


I beat it!! It's not really that hard...
Demo Data
So what's the point of making it?

Nice use

of my tiles. Pity I'm not good enough to even get past the first section, lol!

yay more mines


i made you a ded :]

too long

IMO. 2.5^
but do you go on msn at all? I have your address... you just never seem to be on...

love it!

i love your minejumpers - so let me be the first to say...


Needs gold though...