
Thumbnail of the map 'Hobo'

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Author isaacx
Tags action author:isaacx playable rated
Created 2009-01-30
Last Modified 2009-01-30
by 15 people.
Map Data

Description What are you if you give a hobo an apple?
I don't know. That's why i'm asking you

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '31' Thumbnail of the map 'This is why you need pie' Thumbnail of the map 'Resub - 33' Thumbnail of the map 'Your time will come' Thumbnail of the map 'When all else fails' Thumbnail of the map 'For times like this'
31 This is why you need pie Resub - 33 Your time will come When all else fails For times like this


Pages: (0)

2.5/5 up

Plays... oddly to say the least. The rockets make it difficult to play through the map without repeatedly jumping into them.

very difficult

fells untested.

Just doesn't play too well.
But apart from that, surprisingly solid. I like :)

It feels

completely unrefined...
But I can't get to that part. If I did I'd FBF just to make sure I make it :(

In the meantime, rocket dodge:
Demo Data

i got one

before, so um i'll labor though this and try to get another


how do you?
Demo Data
How are you supposed to get back up?
Demo Data


I really like the title, everything else I dont, I really dont like the trapdoor climb thing and fall back down, and climb back up to exit thing you have going on. The only thing I liked is in my demo, the rest I dont.
Demo Data


will be one happy hobo