The Brightside

Thumbnail of the map 'The Brightside'

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Author Gods_Reaper
Tags action author:gods_reaper puzzle unrated
Created 2009-01-27
Last Modified 2009-01-27
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This is a really good challenge and it a lot of fun.
the gold marks first room - last room. Its a good puzzle

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Forest' Thumbnail of the map 'Constitutional Anarchy' Thumbnail of the map 'Sombody told me' Thumbnail of the map 'Woods' Thumbnail of the map 'When A Man Loves A Women' Thumbnail of the map 'Relaxed'
Forest Constitutional Anarchy Sombody told me Woods When A Man Loves A Women Relaxed


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played this

don't particularly like it much, not my type of map.
cool idea, but the thwumps got very annoying after a while.


You really like The Killers huh?

it not hard

look at my demo. study it once you find how to do it its easy

really hard

cant do it


now I have '2 maps with unread comments' stuck
darn it!


Demo Data

hard for me

can you check out my recent map?its one of my better and I want it to get noticed