Your Not Alone

Thumbnail of the map 'Your Not Alone'

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Author Gods_Reaper
Tags author:gods_reaper rated unrated
Created 2009-01-16
Last Modified 2009-01-16
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description this is a ded to Apse for an idea for the tiles. and his style kinda but i put my little charm into this and it took me a while to get all the enemies in the right spot. its a stress free map to me.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '103 = O on this M' Thumbnail of the map 'Why So Down?' Thumbnail of the map 'Chop Suey!' Thumbnail of the map 'Jump Skill 22 - Break Through' Thumbnail of the map 'Psycho (Resub)' Thumbnail of the map 'Writing on the Walls'
103 = O on this M Why So Down? Chop Suey! Jump Skill 22 - Break Through Psycho (Resub) Writing on the Walls


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really nice.
if you want to collab then thats cool..

I love

how good the Aesthetics blend with the gameplay, and yeah, its not very stressful, but provides a good challenge. 4.4/5

I think you would like my most recent map.

idk why i did that.

i just didnt feel like making a new shortcut thing so i picked that.

@ Tinkers

I was referring to this []
Or maybe I do think so, I don't know: this, among others []


how there are plenty of choices.


Anyway, these are awesome; every enemy I put in looks so puny :D
notpad and i deleted the data for the tiles and put lyrics in there and saved
Yeah okay, we can try that :P


i'll make a half of a tileset then you make the other half


I don't understand what you mean...
tile sets then you can add on to it. i'll start on the bottom and go to the middle then you take over.
replaced with lyrics to a song.
Speaking of which, you still have that tileset, right? I've finished about half the maps I was working on so it shouldn't be too much longer :P
but i put my spice into it

This is a little too similar to apse's map to me. But just like his, it's a lot of fun to play :P Normally a 4 but a 3.5v because really, it's a lot like his map flipped over to the right XD

wow nice man

pretty great map


i like how it has alot of freedom. its easy and alot of fun. this was like my 10th try. and i did really good.
Demo Data