Confined and Unloved

This map has been removed from listings by the author.

Thumbnail of the map 'Confined and Unloved'

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Author T-Dawgg
Tags author:t-dawgg fun medium minejumper mines rated
Created 2009-01-12
Last Modified 2009-01-12
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Medium mine jumper. Fun to play...


Pages: (0)

The gauss part is nice though.

As far as I got without pressing enter:
Demo Data

God dammit.

This is overly frustrating and although technically a good challenge, it is blatantly too difficult. The tiles are surprisingly hard to move on, especially with the surrounding mines.
A little repetitive but the challenge was solid.


pretty far, but suddenly my comp lagged and i ran into a mine :(
Demo Data
But it seems possible to me (I just pressed enter at parts I couldn't pass; I'm not exactly great at this game) so it didn't take off from my rating.

Im lost...

where do i go?
The gold was inconsistent and should've been spread out more imo, but other than that this map is great. 4.5^