
Thumbnail of the map 'wilt'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Mr_Mongoose
Tags action author:mr_mongoose flowy playable rated wilt
Created 2009-01-11
Last Modified 2011-01-08
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description luls

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Jellyfish' Thumbnail of the map 'This is Absolution' Thumbnail of the map 'Fractured Wire' Thumbnail of the map 'Flak' Thumbnail of the map 'Anomaly' Thumbnail of the map '#258972'
Jellyfish This is Absolution Fractured Wire Flak Anomaly #258972


Pages: (0)

come back


it was okay

the tileset was really nice! the gameplay was okay, average. I really didn't like the gold/mine placement, yes I see the design you were trying to achieve, but it just looked like a cluster of stuff up close. and the splash on the bounce block looked to symmetrical. 3/5


I missed your return! I'll have to go back and play the other two...

Fun stuff, slow AGD-2:
Demo Data

I'm pretty happy with how this turned out, have fun with it :)