Ketchup and Fries

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Thumbnail of the map 'Ketchup and Fries'

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Author MattyMc13
Tags author:mattymc13 flow flowy fun race racey unrated
Created 2009-01-04
Last Modified 2009-01-10
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description NOW MUCH BETTER AND SOMEWHAT DIFFRENT!!!!My first race on N, although I have done other races on the PSP version of N+. I know that some of the objects are messed up, like the rockets not working, and I don't know how to fix them.


Pages: (0)

wow, kinda =\

i cant see the similarities between this and your newest race though...


it's better than my first race. i'm really bad at flow.

Here's a demo

that I'm proud of, even though the rockets still don't work after I removed the NaN
Demo Data

I couldn't

find the flow
it's usually because it's nan'd. This means that you have to go into the code and delete the "NaN" at the end of the rocket's code. Or you can just delete the rocket in the editor and then place it again in the same spot, making sure it doesnt nan again.

otherwise, it's an okay map, especially for a first. hmmm...3/5